Your charitable contributions help us help others.
With your support, we provide housing and related services and programs to low-income individuals, families, seniors, and people with special needs to help strengthen our communities and create better opportunities for our clients. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, so all contributions are tax-deductible.
We accept donations of money, time, and property. The smallest donation helps. Our sincerest appreciation goes out to you for helping in any way you can.
Ways to Give
Donate Money
Our return-on-investment is consistently high: 93 cents of every dollar is spent directly on programs with only seven percent of our funding going towards administrative costs such as overhead, payroll, employee benefits, management, marketing and fundraising expenses.
Many CHP Resident Services programs depend on volunteers to enhance the scope, quality, and long-term success of our services and to act as important connectors between residents and the greater community. Volunteers are supported through on-site training and orientation relevant to the activity they assist.
When land or other property is donated to CHP, we will typically rehabilitate the property or build new single- or multifamily housing, which is then sold or leased to low-income families. A charitable real estate contribution transfers ownership and management responsibilities to CHP, often providing maximum income tax, estate, and capital gains tax benefits to the original property owner.
From our roots as a volunteer organization serving housing needs in Appalachia, CHP has grown into a multi-state organization nationally recognized for our capabilities and commitment to innovation and continuous improvement. Although CHP’s footprint has greatly expanded over the decades, our mission continues to focus on creating homes and communities that are healthy, sustainable, and affordable.